Hey Travel Lover
"Listen to your inner child and go with the flow" so says C. JoyBell C.
When last did you indulge your inner child? When last did you literarily and figuratively let your hair down and go with the flow? When next will your inner child come out to play?
I missed one week of storytelling, right? I know and I am sorry. I promise to do better going forward, am I forgiven?
Right, still on my tourist behaviour in London September 2024, catch up here. Well, one of my stops was the Paradox Museum, I was glad my brother decided to explore this attraction with me. We had so much fun, uuuuhhing and ahhhing at the illusions. There was a particular illusion, I didn’t quite understand, but my brother got it immediately. The funny part was him asking me if I had gotten it. I didn’t till we left, despite several attempts to understand it. Oh well, we win some, we lose some.

We partook in so many illusions, I’ll describe some. There was this one, where I sat on all the seats at a dinner table, another, I stood and it seemed I was upside-down, the head on a platter illusion, my neck in a triangle illusion, half of my body hidden, half reflecting in the mirror illusion, walking across a dangling bridge illusion, pictures of our poses printed in silhouette on the wall and my personal favorite, the zero gravity room.

Another fun fact bout this attraction, it is located opposite Harrods. So, you can either window shop or let your shopping inhibitions run wild and free, pick your flavor. We went into Harrods briefly before heading for the museum. It was time well spent, can you guess my flavor.
So, Travel Lover, when last did you listen to our inner child? When last did you go with your childlike flow? Will paradox Museum feature in your bucket list of London attractions? Let’s see your responses in the comments section
Till Next Week
Live, Love, Laugh
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I love reading Ajalaress so I encourage everyone also to do the same keep it up Ajalaress
Thank you Victor😊