Hey Travel Lover
It’s been another extra extra long minute….Were you thinking I travelled to the moon? I wish…
Seize the Day, Carpe Diem, Make the most of the present day…When last did you seize the day?
A short story comes to mind when I think of this catch phrase, my sister was preparing for a mini family trip and while trying to make the hotel reservation, she saw a fantastic price for the duration of her stay – I know at this point you are thinking she seized the day right? – wrong! She decided to wait a day or two for the price to get even more fantastic. But to her greatest surprise, the price kept skyrocketing in leaps…she had to quickly seize the day and finally reserved a room after two days
I know as we were reading this short piece, moments kept flooding through our minds….those moments we seized and those we didn’t. I, personally had to seize today to say hello to my travel lovers and ask how are you? Are you travelling yet? Have you taken the vaccine?
So Travel Lover, how often do you seize the day? When last did you seize the day? How did it make you feel? Looking forward to seeing your responses in the comments section.
Till Next Time
Truly Yours
Hello Ajalaress, this is interesting. My family and I were going on vacation and the ticket was very high and we were quite a number; as we were thinking whether to change the venue to local level a friendly Airline showed up and we seiiiizzzzeeeeeddddd the Day.
The events of the vacation gave us the impression the children wouldn’t have forgiven us had we changed the venue.
Keep soaring high Ajalaress 👍
Yes I've done the vaccine and am waiting to seize the day Buhari leaves power, to feed twenty million people with thirty-six loaves and thirty-six fishes.
Every state will have to seize one fish and one loave and contribute their own quota of the twenty million people that will seize the feeding.
The FCT will be exempted for reasons of corruption and ineptitude.
Let that day come.