Hey Travel Lover
Have you ever booked a flight in a hurry without looking at the wait time for the connecting flight? Do you know if your wait time is extremely long you are entitled to some perks with some airlines? Have you taken advantage of those perks?
While booking my flight some years ago, I saw an extremely cost-friendly ticket and without looking at the wait time, I hurriedly booked the ticket. At the point of paying for the ticket, the ticketing officer attempted calling my attention to the wait time but I didn’t listen, I didn’t want the cost to change. I paid for the ticket and I was happy with the good deal I got.
Two days to my trip, after the euphoria of cheap ticket was gone, I decided to look at the ticket, then, I saw what I had done, I had a 13-hour wait time from Frankfurt to London, Oh-My-Goodness!!! 13 hours in a country I had no visa for. The time was too short to get a visa so I knew I was going to be at the airport the entire time.
Well, when I got to Frankfurt, I realized 13 hours was a long long wait. I read, window-shopped, slept, took walks, made a new friend and repeated the cycle until it was time to board.
Knowing what I know now, if I happen to purchase another such ticket, I will immediately get the visa so I can visit the country before heading back to the airport. I will also check if the airline has perks, like hotel allocation or tourist visit so the wait is more memorable
So, Travel Lover, have you in your travels had to wait an obscene length of time? How did you spend it? Share your experience with us in the comments section and watch out for part 2.
Till Next Time
Hopefully we will learn some of the perks and the airlines offering them. That may encourage me to close my eyes to long wait time
Wow, 13hours wait time is long. Three things I am glad you did, read a book, got some rest and made new friends. You sound like you got value out of the wait time.