I can never go near any roller coaster , I will just stay on the side watching the adventurous one go upside down inside out . For me that’s no go area

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Dear Myamy, I totally understand 😆😅🤣. It can be scary

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Lol.....is that you looking so scared? I am surprised you didn't bolt!!

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Hi Uche, I'd love to see your expression when you are strapped to a roller coaster seat with no escape route in sight😂🤣😂🤣

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Lol......I will not dare go near one for any reason.....

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Really? You should try one for the "been there, done that" experience 😆😅🤣😄😃😀

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I am definitely not an adrenaline junkie😅 I got dizzy just reading and imagining your experience. I commend you adventurous spirit though. Don’t worry, I’ll just stay on my lane living vicariously through you😁

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Dear LB, it was beginners enthusiasm😂🤣 these days I'm more cautious🤭🤭🤭

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Dear Ajalaress, you sef! Interesting, adventurous spirit you must have! I am not one for such exhilarating screamers - one session of dropping from a height at the ‘London Dungeon’ was one too many. But I would help you with the camera from the safety of solid ground under my feet!

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🤣😂🤣😂🤣Dear Akamba, helping with the camera is good as well. Thank you

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I don't know that I'm so big on rollercoasters and the faster rides. It will probably be a factor of if my family and friends want to try it out. It does sound like an adventure though. Lovely read.

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Dear John, It is a screaming adventure😂😀. Thank you

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