Hey Travel Lover
Experience is the best teacher – Julius Caesar.
One would think I would have learnt a vital lesson from the first part of this story. If you haven’t read it, click here. One important point to note though is that it isn’t the same cause.
On this occasion, after a richly relaxing and rejuvenating holiday in the US, I headed to the airport and arrived quite early. I confidently dragged my bulky suitcases to Terminal E, as I had used the same airline on my previous trips and this was the allocated terminal. I reckoned nothing would have changed except airline alliance had some conflicts…If airline alliance is confusing, click here to read more.
The queue to check in was spiral-snake long and as I meandered to the check in desk, I couldn’t help but wonder when I would board. Finally, it was my turn, I handed my passport and ticket to the attendant and heard words I couldn’t immediately fathom… Sorry Ma’am, your check-in counter is in terminal D. What? How? Where?
With my bulky luggage and oversized handbag, I began running – again – to terminal D as time was far spent. Alas, when I got there, the check-in counter was closed, but an attendant was about leaving. I pleaded, begged, and cajoled. In the coldest manner possible, she casually gave me a slip with a number to contact. The message was simply that I couldn’t get on the flight that day. I was totally shook and devastated!!!
After several phone calls and repetitions of my wrong terminal story, I was scheduled for a flight the next day at no cost. It was then I settled to study my ticket print out and saw terminal D. Ajalaress Why!!! It goes without saying, I was among the first passengers at the terminal the next day.
So Travel Lover, never assume that previous information is still valid. Check, check and check again. I am happy to confirm to you that I haven’t missed another flight since then. Have you made any travel assumptions like mine? What was the consequence? Let me know in the comments session
Till Next Week
Truly Yours
"Never assume that previous information is still valid" This speaks volumes
Thanks for sharing....
Wow sorry Ajalaress, it happens often and it’s very unpalatable.
The only time I had missed my flight in this regard was the airline’s fault. The aircraft had a fault as we were airborne so we went back to the airport to fix it and before we got to our stop over and located the gate the door of the plane was closing.
I banged and shouted to no avail until the plane taxied out and the crew gave us slips to hotel and flight the next day.
Guys check your tickets before relaxing at the terminal 👍🤗